Answer :
The Atlantic Periphery is still particularly subordinate financially on its marine assets, and the locale is prime natural surroundings for some districts of fish. Nonetheless, many years of overfishing have put numerous monetarily imperative species on the edge of getting to be noticeably wiped out. In the event that there is to be reasonable angling of these species, later on, they should be permitted to recuperate.
The Atlantic Periphery that is situated on the northeast coast of North America gets the most of the advantages from fisheries arising from Grand Banks.
Grand Banks is regarded to be abundant in the world for the richest grounds of fish. The Atlantic Periphery due to its geographical and climatic conditions cannot perform farming activities for survival. Thus, financially the region depends on fishries activities surrounding that is the grand bank.
However, the grounds of fisheries are being exploited to the highest extend which is affecting the survival of the species and marine life.
Learn more about The Atlantic Periphery here: